5 tips for running a successful betting shop
2021-02-23 News

Hello Tribesman!
Today we will look at 5 ways you can be successful as an agent of betBonanza. You see, everyone starts out in business, with the intention of succeeding. No one begins with failure in mind. But wishes are not enough. There are things you need to do in order to taste success.
As a Tribesman, you are in business, and the aim of every business is to make a profit. So here are 5 ways to remain profitable and become a resounding success with betBonanza.
1. Pay on your customers on time
When you pay your customers on time, they will be happy and tell their friends about your shop. They will also return to play with you. So make it a good practice to always pay promptly, even before you get the actual funds from HQ.
2. Open on Sunday
Don't just trade from Monday to Saturday, and then close your shop throughout Sunday when some of the hottest and biggest games take place. Ensure you are available for live betting and all on Sundays and you will watch all football and sports lovers gather in your shop, ready to play.
3. Run promotions
Always have an incentive for punters to come to your shop. Let them have an extra reason to come to bet with you. When they know that they will get an offer at your shop that they will not get elsewhere they will be motivated to come.
4. Brand your shop
Paint your sho with betBonanza clours and ensure it is well branded with images and pictures of Super Eagles legend Daniel Amokachi. Beauty will always attract attention.
5. Free match viewing
Make your punters feel at home in your shop. On the weekends have a satellite that can show all the major leagues, so that they can sit there, and as we call it 'watch and play'.
With these and more tips that we will be sharing next time, you are sure to be profitable in this business. Now run along and make money now!